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Consultancy Services for Intermediaries
Skailo works with a range of client types in the intermediary channel, including financial advisers, banks and employee benefit consultants. Skailo can work with these intermediary businesses in a variety of ways. Crucially, this intermediary work is done to help businesses adhere to regulatory requirements, drive strong internal best practice and governance, and ultimately to underpin the delivery of positive customer outcomes. ​
Supporting best advice, due diligence and governance
Many intermediary businesses derive best advice panels for product selection across key markets such as pensions, investment and protection. Similarly, many businesses are working on research and due diligence exercises to underpin, for example, the selection of platform and DFM partners.
Consideration of financial strength typically constitutes a key component of these best advice panel, research and due diligence exercises, and governance processes. Hence, given Skailo’s focus and expertise in this area, valuable support can be provided to intermediary businesses in relation to key financial strength related queries and considerations.

Additional insight on companies
Where an intermediary business requires additional input for financial strength related queries linked to companies assessed within standard reports, Skailo can offer access to its resources and expertise through the provision of a support service which is tailored to specific client requirements.
While Skailo strives to include broad coverage of services companies within its core assessment work, there are certain types of company which do not currently fit into existing Skailo sectors or which have not yet been covered by Skailo’s standard assessment work due to a lack of market demand. Examples might include some providers of equity release, structured products, specialist tax planning products, e.g. Business Property Relief, and Master Trusts. Where an intermediary client already interacts with, or is considering placing business with, such companies, Skailo is able to offer company assessment support to underpin key considerations within the intermediary business.
Assessment of products and other services
Skailo can also work on further assignments for intermediary businesses based on our core competencies, including product/fund assessment, asset allocation model review and calculator/tool methodology review.
Please contact us for further details and pricing framework.